18 July Current Affairs English


18 July Current Affairs English

18 july current affairs in english, current affairs in english

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has stopped the hanging of India's Kulbhushan Jadhav in Pakistan's jails.

 Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos ($ 125 billion) became the world's richest man again.  Bernard Arnott (108 billion dollars) , chairman of LVHM Company, becomes second richest after overtaking Bill Gates ($ 107 billion)  India's Mukesh Ambani ($ 51.8 billion) is ranked 13th in this list.

 Izmam-ul-Haq resigned from the post of chief selector of the Pakistan Cricket Board.

 Famous Bangla actor Swaroop Dutt, passed away on July 17th.

 Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed was arrested by Pakistan.

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