13 July Current Affairs

13 July current affairs
13 July current affairs

1. Afghanistan Cricket Board has appointed Rashid Khan as the new captain of the Afghanistan team.
2. France has announced to impose 18 Euro tax on all foreign flights, which will be around Rs.1385 in Indian currency.
13 July current affairs

3. State Bank of India has removed all types of fees from digital transactions.
13 July current affairs

4. Indian weightlifter Ajay Singh won gold medal in the Commonwealth Championship by lift 190 kilograms.
5. According to the United Nations Global Multidimensional Poverty Index, 2019,  27 crore Indians have emerged out of poverty from 2006 to 2016.
13 July current affairs

6. Vikash swaroop has been appointed Indian Secretary of State abroad.
7. Government has denied the privatization of the railway.
13 July current affairs

8. According to the annual financial review of the Ministry of Finance, India will become the world's third largest economy by 2025.

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