Laws of Motion-Physics

Speed ​​is the physical amount by which an object changes its position relative to the time.

Types of Motion
Motion ​​is of the following type
1. Simple linear motion
2. Circular motion
3. Oscillation Motion
4. rotational motion
5. Spiral motion

1. Simple linear motion: When an object moves in a straight line, it is called simple linear

2. Circular motion: When an object moves in circularity, it is called circular motion.

3. Oscillation motion: When an object moves both of its mean position and it moves, it is called
oscillation motion.

4. Rotating motion: When an object rotates at a certain speed at its distance, it is called rotating

5. Periodic momentum: When an object hangs at a regular interval between any two points, it
is called the Periodic motion.

Newton's law of motion:
First rule: If an object is in a state of rest, then it will remain in the state of rest and if it is in
motion then it will remain in the state of motion until it is replaced by any external force. It is
also called the rule of Galileo and the law of inertia.
Example: On the sudden running of a stopped vehicle, the passengers sitting in it lean
backwards and the passengers lean forward forward when the moving vehicle stops suddenly.

Second Rule: The force applied on an object is proportional to the product of the acceleration
generated in object. This is called Newton's second law of motion.
Example: Cricket player retraces his hands while catching.

Third Rule: There is a reaction in the opposite direction of each action and in the opposite
direction Newton is the third law of motion, it is also called the action- reaction rule.
Example: The gun moves backwards while shooting a gun.

Acceleration: The change in velocity of an object is called velocity change provided that the
change is in positive.

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