What is the secret of the closure of Whatsapp Messenger?


In today's world, without social media, some people can not imagine life, but if you suddenly find out that the social media is going to be closed, then what will you do? Something similar has happened with the world's largest social media platform Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram.

 On July 3 in evening, suddenly there was a stoppage of downloading and sharing photos and videos from the Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. Users were also having difficulty logging into their accounts. When users downloaded any media such as photos or videos on WhatsApp  Such notifications were visible

 "Please confirm this is the media send to you" and "Network error"

 In fact, on Wednesday evening, the servers of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp suddenly went down due to which there was a problem in downloading of photos or videos.

 In this way, some intellectuals started spreading such rumors that Whatsapp messenger will charge for sending messages and photographs, some have entered Modi and the central government in the matter.

After the complaints of users, the social media spokesman said that "It happened because of a mistake during routine maintenance operation but now the problem has been fixed." But the message is also coming till now.

 Social media servers were down in not only in India but in many countries, but these people are number one in spreading rumors.

One more thing that if there was such a thing that if the social media sites are going to be charged, then the government will issue notification, then the social sites also issue the information given on their Twitter page or website.

 So be cautious with such news reports.  I am also giving some more links below.

 Thank you.

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